Embark on a thrilling cinematic journey at the Bijou Theatre as we proudly present the Banff Mountain Film Festival, a mesmerizing three-night event showcasing the epitome of adventure, environmental exploration, and heart-pounding action. As a distinguished program of Banff Centre, renowned as the largest and most esteemed mountain festival globally, this year\'s tour promises to captivate audiences with a carefully curated collection of the most inspiring films from the festival. Selected from a pool of approximately 400 films submitted to the annual festival, the films featured in this tour are award-winning and cherished by audiences worldwide. Join us for an unforgettable cinematic experience as we bring these exceptional films to the Bijou Theatre, transporting you to the far reaches of the globe and leaving you inspired by the boundless spirit of adventure. Don\'t miss your chance to be part of this extraordinary celebration of the mountainous wonders that shape our world.